hukum amdahl bahasa Inggris
- hukum: decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal;
- hukum: decree; lave; law; laws; penalize; illegal; justice; legal; torah; pentateuch; doom; penalty; order; dogma; law of nature; discipline; tenet; penalise; customs; sentence; revenge; punish; verdict; s
- hukum as: law of the united states
- hukum sipil (sistem hukum): civil law (legal system)
- hukum-hukum fresnel-arago: fresnel-arago laws
- hukum-hukum gas: gas laws
- hukum-hukum gerakan newton: newton's laws of motion
- ahli hukum: jurisconsult; jurist; master of the law; the doctors of the law; attorney; lawyer
- alasan hukum: legal ground
- antropologi hukum: legal anthropology
- asas hukum: principle of justice
- badan hukum: body corporate; corporate body; corporation body; legal entity; juridical person
- bagian hukum: legal department
- bahasa hukum: legal terminology
- bentuk hukum: legal form